So this didn't actually happen today but I really like the title. It's been a long, tough week. This weekend though was my dad's college reunion and in an effort to escape what I thought was going to be a horrible weekend alone, I decided to go to Rochester, NY with him. As we can never get anywhere on time, we got to Rochester around 1 in the morning and I contemplated studying since I can't read in the car. After a relatively short sleep we woke up and drove a very short distance to the Univeristy where we met one of my dad's friends, and no people that he graduated with (none of them made it there). The good news is that I got a fair amount of studying done in a different environment than the Regenstein library here at U of C and we had a good time just wandering the pretty campus and seeing the pretty scenery.
Here is the underground tunnel that never allows students to miss class because of snow days (and as an added bonus it's got about 50 coats of paint making the halls much smaller than they were when my dad went to school there)
Oh yeah, and I completely forgot the part where we drove through Canada. So apparently the shortest way to get to upstate NY from Detroit is through Canada. So we both brought along our passports and crossed the bridge to Canada. I learned that Canadians are much less paranoid then we are (and rightfully so, who's gonna screw with Canada? They don't pose a threat). Crossing into Canada required us to pass our IDs to the woman at the toll booth and tell her that we were merely passing through. We asked where the nearest bathroom was and then continued driving. Getting back into the states was a completely different experience (why I always refer to the U.S. as the states whenever I'm "abroad," I'll never know). There were at least 5 cameras aimed at every car and there were 2 places where you have to stop before they call you to the toll booth. They get really mad too if you cross the line too early. Oh, and they take your picture before you can hand them your passports.
My dad bought these awesome dried mangos at gas station in Canada (the change was Canadian money so I kept some to send to my ex-nanny kids and kept some for myself. Why is every country's money cooler than ours? I want Monopoly money). We didn't get out of Canada until after dark and after 4 hours of Robert texting me and me not calling or texting him back (I was being cheap, having crossed the border I didn't want to rack up my cell phone bill) he got really concerned and proceeded to call my mom to see if we were okay. In case you were wondering, yes we were okay I was just being cheap. Having crossed the border I didn't want to rack up my cell phone bill with a million text messages. I could have sent one though (sorry Robert).
The bridge to Canada!
And that is the story of how we went through Canada (told sort of in reverse).