There's a really nice looking quad a few blocks over. I'll take pictures when I get a chance and post them here. The squirrels over there are crazy and keep staring at me. They are grey instead of brown (never realized that squirrels were different colors in different parts of the country).
This past weekend some friends and I went to downtown Chicago. No, we did not see Oprah, but we did see a few guys painted silver doing the robot and lots of guys drumming on buckets (a way to earn some extra college money???)
It's so awesome to feel seasons. I had forgotten what fall feels like. Despite the fact that I'm already cold I like the weather. I enjoy being outside because I know that soon I won't be able to be outside for more than 20 minutes (or my face will get frostbite, according to Alisa and some weather people).
I'll post some pictures tomorrow to spice this up a bit. And I'll let you know how my first day as a graduate student goes.
I wanna see a picture of the squirrels!!!!